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Company Windows

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Company Details




The Company Details window holds the details of your company, such as the company name, address and telephone number. These details may be used in printed reports and forms. If you also have Company Registration and VAT numbers, they may be entered for inclusion on the reports and forms.

The Company Logo
A company logo may be set for use on printed reports and forms. This picture may be in the form of a TIFF, JPG, GIF or PNG file.  Macintosh users may also choose a standard Mac PICT file, and Windows users may use a standard Windows bitmap.

Selecting The Logo
Click the Select Logo button to find the picture you wish to use, or to change an existing choice. After choosing the picture, it will appear on the Company Details window. Note that choosing a logo does not create a copy of the logo inside the cashbook file, it merely stores the LOCATION of the picture on your hard disk, so the program knows where to look for the picture when it needs to use it. Therefore, if you move the picture, or move the cashbook file to another computer, the picture will no longer be available in the location stored within the cashbook, so you will have to reselect it.

Deleting The Logo
Click the Delete Logo button to stop using a company logo in the cashbook. As noted above, the cashbook file only stores the location of the picture, so click the Delete Logo button does not delete the picture from the hard drive, it only removes the reference to where it is stored from the cashbook.

Financial Year
Also shown in the window is the date at which the current financial year ends. For more information on the financial year, click here.